
Check in here every now and again for updates on my comings and goings.

Time to start all over again...

I've been looking through most of my shots taken over the last few years - and believe me, there's plenty of them - and realised that I wasn't actually achieving anything. Sure, I was getting a half decent body of work together and there are a few standout shots (for me at least) but overall there was no real sense of direction or purpose - I was just taking pictures. After a bit of a pause and rethink I've decided on an approach to photography that will work for me; more focus on style and quality, some 'concept' work, use of Photoshop more so but with a more professional aesthetic. Basically to 'have a point' with my photography. I've taken inspiration from numerous photographers online - Flickr is a great source for that - and decided on a path that I think will work for me and also make me a better photographer. I'll update the site with the stuff I have in mind and share the results with you all; hopefully you'll enjoy this journey as much as I'm expecting to. It's gonna be fun ;)

But for now, here's Leia. For no other reason than she sits next to my keyboard. Inspiration indeed...

"Who is she? She's beautiful..."

"Who is she? She's beautiful..."